GroundsCare Products will be exhibiting at The Showman Show again this year, in the CoverMarque Temporary Structure Pavilion, which can be found on Avenue G, stand 112. The company has special offers in place for any orders placed at the exhibition. Products on show include the ZIPLEVEL®, RotoCleanse and Petrol Post Drvier.

Erecting temporary structures can be a tricky business, as even paved and tarmac surfaces rarely present a perfectly level base.  ZIPLEVEL® enables one person, working alone, to quickly compare levels and measure elevations in order to make structures perfectly level even on the most uneven, sloping site. Ideal for event hire, it is also used by garden designers, landscapers, swimming pool engineers, builders and many more industries.

It's RotoCleanse is a walk-behind, self-contained surface cleaner and professional pressure washer, designed for cleaning tarmac, concrete, brick pavers and wooden boards. It has a heavy duty skirt that eliminates overspray, and is ideal for cleaning almost any flat surface.

Information on these machines will be available at the show.