The Tipi Company will return to The Showman’s Show for a ninth year this October showcasing a new product and the launch of their new platform “The Tipi Academy”, designed specifically to support the Tipi Rental market. The Tipi Academy is a progression of the company’s Online Training Portal that covers the safe build and de-rig of all of its entire tipi range.

Its range of tipis includes the Big Hat, Midi Hat, Midi, Baby, Little Hat and Tiny Play. The company also offers bespoke tipi formations for clients who have unique requirements.  Whether that might be a request as simple as an extra exit point in the canvas, or something as complex as creating a bespoke link to an existing structure you may have at your site, an attachment to a food and drink vehicle, or a unique entrance way – The Tipi Company can help.

The Tipi Company are a leading British manufacturer of large event tipis, expertly handmade for glamping, venues, hospitality, educational settings and tipi hire. All of The Tipi Company’s products are made right here in Britain, giving them the Made in Britain seal of approval. By offering a comprehensive range of additional services including before and after-sales support, training, installation and repairs, The Tipi Company has become a significant player in the market, serving customers both in the UK and internationally.

Make sure to stop by The Tipi Company’s stand at The Showman’s Show 2023 to discover how it can transform your outdoor events business.